C + P Style Guide
C + P Logo Download
C + P Logo and Claim Download
The logo consists of the word mark “CP” in combination with the figurative mark, the rounded diamond. The word mark and figurative mark may not be distorted, compressed, recolored, cropped, altered or inverted.
The company name is always written in uppercase and includes a plus sign with spaces before and after: C + P.
Exclusion zone
A certain area around the logo should be free of other elements. This exclusion zone is defined as 1/3 of the logo’s width in standard usage.
Logo orientation
The logo is always used horizontally. It must never be inverted.
Logo sizes
The logo consists of the word mark “CP” in combination with the figurative mark, the rounded diamond. The word mark and figurative mark may not be distorted, compressed, recolored, cropped, altered or inverted.
The logo size depends on the medium. For media up to DIN A4, it measures 20 mm. From DIN A3 format, the logo scales proportionally. The smallest logo application should not be less than 10 mm in width.
Logo variations
To ensure perfect readability at any size, there are two logo variations optimized for spacing between letters and stroke thickness.
Logo standard size
The standard size logo is used for all applications where it can be 16 mm wide or larger (Variation 1).
Small logo
For applications where the logo must be less than 16 mm wide, there is an optimized version for spacing and stroke thickness (Variation 2), such as on pens.
Color versions
The logo is preferably used in black on a white background. It can also be used in white on a black background.
The logo can be placed in black or white on colored backgrounds or image elements. Ensure the logo is black on light backgrounds and white on dark backgrounds for adequate contrast and readability.
The C + P figurative mark can be supplemented with the claim “Der Stahlschrank” (“The Steel Cabinet”).Size and spacing
The claim uses the “Moderat” font in the Medium typeface. In DIN A4 format, the claim is set in 10 pt size (Fig. 1).
The claim is always smaller than the logo and maintains the ratio shown (Fig. 2). Depending on the medium, the claim can be scaled larger than 10 pt for visibility (e.g., on a bag).
The claim can be placed to the left of the logo (Fig. 3), horizontally centered to the logo, or right-aligned on a vertical medium with adequate vertical spacing, as described in the claim positioning section.
The minimum horizontal distance from the claim to the logo is the logo’s width (Fig. 4). In exceptional cases, the claim can be moved up to 1/3 of the logo’s width closer (Fig. 5). The claim is never placed close to and/or centered below the logo.
Claim positioning
The claim can be placed on the right side at the bottom or on the left side at the top of the format.
On the right side, the claim should have the same distance from the right and bottom edges as the logo from the right upper edge.
The claim should only be placed higher on the right side in exceptional cases (up to halfway up the vertical format) for visibility (e.g., on a roll-up banner).
On the left side, the claim is horizontally centered to the logo with the same margin as the logo. Depending on the medium, the claim can be placed closer to the logo to align with design elements like text blocks.
Color versions
The claim is preferably used in black on a white background. It can also be used in white on a black background.
The claim can be placed in black or white on colored backgrounds. Ensure the claim is black on light backgrounds and white on dark backgrounds for adequate contrast and readability.