C + P Business Unit “FURNISHINGS”

The C + P Code of Conduct is based on internationally recognized standards for sustainable business practices.

These include the United Nations Global Compact, International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, United Nations conventions on the rights of children, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Social Accountability Standard SA8000.

As part of internal risk management and by signing this Code of Conduct, C + P management, as well as all C + P employees at all levels within the C + P Business Unit FURNISHINGS (hereafter referred to as “C + P”), commit to the following general principles of action and behavior to ensure compliance in all activities.

Consistent application across all companies within the C + P Business Unit FURNISHINGS is ensured by the cross-company assigned responsibility and policy competence of the Managing Director of C + P GmbH & Co. KG (intermediate holding company of C + P Business Unit FURNISHINGS) and the functional area managers employed in this company. At the time of formulating the C + P Code of Conduct, the following functional areas fully encompass business processes: development, procurement, production, logistics, sales and marketing, data processing and organization, human resources, finance and accounting.

The following guidelines serve as a directive for all employees and must be consistently followed.

By communicating this guideline to our business partners, we ensure that the implementation of this Code of Conduct is also enforced in our supply chain.

Download Code of Conduct

All applicable laws, regulations and other relevant legal provisions of the respective national and international legal systems must be complied with.

Any discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination of employment or retirement based on gender, age, religion, race, caste, birth, social background, disability, ethnic or national origin, nationality, membership in employee organizations including unions, political affiliation or opinion, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status or any other condition is prohibited.

All forms of forced labor are prohibited, including prison labor. The company must treat its employees with dignity and respect at all times and protect them from any kind of psychological or physical coercion. The personal freedom of movement of an employee must not be restricted by any rule. Employees can freely decide to leave the company after reasonable notice in accordance with applicable law. Employees must not be required to deposit money or identification documents with the employer.

All employees have the right to form, join and organize unions of their choice and to collectively bargain with the company, as permitted by national laws. If national standards restrict these rights, we allow free and independent association of employees for the purpose of negotiation.

Child labor is prohibited according to ILO and United Nations conventions. The minimum age for employment is 15 years and must not be below the age at which compulsory schooling ends. Young workers must be particularly protected. All working time regulations for the protection of young workers must be observed. Additionally, young workers must not work more than eight hours daily or in night shifts under any circumstances.

All employees must be compensated fairly. The wages paid should at least meet the basic needs of employees when fully employed. Legally applicable minimum wages will be observed.

The maximum permissible weekly working hours according to national legislation must be observed.

C + P assumes responsibility for a safe and healthy work environment. Appropriate preventive measures against potential accidents or health damage, such as establishing an occupational safety management system according to OHSAS 18001, must be taken. The same minimum requirements apply to employee accommodations. Regulations and procedures must be clearly defined and consistently followed. All employees must be regularly informed and trained regarding these measures. Training measures must be documented.
All national environmental protection standards must be met. Additionally, we undertake all reasonable efforts to comply with internationally recognized environmental protection standards. Our goal is to minimize environmental pollution and consumption of natural resources as well as to improve energy efficiency on the whole. We implement an environmental management system and an energy management system according to ISO 50001.

Energy-efficient operation and avoidance of unnecessary energy consumption must be ensured at our locations and at our customers’ locations by all staff members and by suppliers and service providers commissioned by us. This includes, for example, closing open doors in buildings in case of low outdoor temperatures or switching off the lighting when leaving the workplace.
This principle of energy efficiency applies on the entire company premises and associated properties as well as at all construction and installation sites which are set up on behalf of C + P.

All forms of corruption or bribery are prohibited. We do not tolerate these in any form and have established systems to combat them. The guidelines of Transparency International and the OECD govern our actions. The management, overseen by a supervisory board composed of independent members, has detailed knowledge of essential individual contract agreements and their backgrounds due to flat hierarchies. This generally minimizes risks related to corruption and antitrust laws. Additionally, the application of the dual-control principle and, occasionally, the triple-control principle, prevents improper conduct at all levels.

We compete fairly and comply with applicable antitrust laws. The legal obligations for the prevention of money laundering are observed.

Circumvention of the rules of this Code of Conduct or applicable law through the use of temporary work, sham training programs, subcontracting, home work or similar practices is not permitted.

C + P establishes a procedure at its production sites that allows employees to file complaints anonymously. No reprisals are taken against employees who point out violations of legal requirements or the contents of this Code of Conduct. Employees must not be prevented from making such reports.

Complaint mechanisms-Formular

C + P has internal policies and systems in place to implement the requirements of this Code of Conduct. We have certified an environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001, an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001 and a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001.

Breidenbach, January 20, 2020

C + P GmbH & Co. KG

Tomas Kirschenfauth



  • United Nations Global Compact
    Protect human rights, no discrimination, abolition of child and forced labor, use of environmentally friendly technologies and opposition to all forms of corruption.

  • Transparency International
    Integrity, accountability, transparency and participation in civil society. Opposed to corruption, defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

  • OECD
    For the economic and social well-being of people. Criminal measures against the bribery of foreign public officials, including legislators.

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
    Decent working conditions for all women and men, no child labor, improvement of social protection and strengthening dialogue on work-related issues.

  • OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Standard
    Internationally recognized management system for occupational health and safety.
